Tuesday 15 September 2015

Pumpkin princess

So halloween is on its way and I have been raiding shops for Halloween makeup just cheap stuff as I am starting out/practicing my makeup skills so all the face paint I used was a £1 ( I only used orange face paint) the black is a mixture of eyeliner and Barry M black lipstick and black eyeshadow so it doesn't crease. Then a few different shades from my Bhcosmetics 88 matte pallete for shading down my face for the ridges in my pumpkin

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Halloween is coming

So today I attempted to make myself into a vampire with fangs I made myself. For my makeup it was just a primer I used and a very light powder to make my skin paler than it is, to he fair didn't really make me paler per say but it did even my complexion and make me all over pale. Then I used my bhcosmetics 88 shade matte palette and used reds, oranges and purples all round my eyes and a thick black gel eyeliner flick, a couple coats of mascara on top and bottom and then a orange lip liner and  a red liquid lipstick making my cupids bow pointer than it already is. Then for my fangs i used  the technique that Elli from ellimacs uses in her clown tutorial on youtube so go check them out she's amazing. After all that all you have to do is pose haha

New makeup

So I'm a bit of a makeup junkie I love buying makeup and I recently I have been ordering some makeup from America (ooooh) I have ordered from Bhcosmetics before I got a 28 lipstick palette and it's beautiful, so I ordered this lipstick pop art lipstick in the colour zap. OMG I'M IN LOVE, It's a tiny wee lipstick so I wasn't sure how holding it was going to be as I have quite large hands but it's fine you also get the same amount of product you would in any other lipstick also the colour is amazing pigmentation is fantastic with a gentle swipe it's like bam in your face  colour. It's so creamy and feels lovely on the lips. Would highly recommend I might have to order the other colours

Starting again

So Ive been I've been thinking of making a blog and maybe even a youtube channel for quite some time now, but my laptop is on its way out so I'm having to use my phone for Internet so youtube is a no just now unless I make a video on my phone. So I decided on making a blog but turns out I already had a blog I made in 2011 ( don't remember this) so I'm just reusing this blog giving a makeover shall we say so this is my first official post my new (not so new) blog, Yay